Our Aluminium collection will provide the perfect views that matter to you…

Aluminium windows are a true declaration of style. Our low density, slimline frames are perfect for a clean, modern appearance, but are also built with the strength to withstand even the harshest of weather conditions. When it comes to choosing the perfect window, what matters most is the perfect view.

Aluminium Windows

Fill your home with light and bring your design to life with our exquisite range of glass options. Choose from an unrivalled array of colours and finishes to make your new windows truly yours. Luxury has never been this affordable.

Aluminium Windows
Aluminium Windows
Aluminium Windows

There are so many good points to speak about with our Aluminium Windows. You can’t dispute how stunning they look, and the perform they offer is just as spectacular.

Want to find out more about Aluminium Windows? The hotspots will give you an insight into their most noteworthy features.

Eclipse Aluminim Windows

Eclipse Hinge

Our highly engineered hinge provides increased load bearing and features unique anti-crowbar technology, providing a lifetime of protection and reassurance. With 90 degree opening and Egress easy clean as standard, window maintenance has never been so simple.

Eclipse Glass

High performance, next generation glass offers excellent energy efficiency. With an ultra-clear outer pane, and a super soft coat inner pane as standard.

Eclipse Frame

A true declaration of style. Our low density, slimline frames are perfect for a clean, modern appearance, but are also built with the strength to withstand even the harshest of weather conditions.

Eclipse Locking

The sophisticated multi-point lock within the Envisage system ensures the window is fully secure when locked. Featuring our patented ‘Secure It’ mechanism, the window was tested over 30,000 times during the development stage.

Eclipse Weather Seal

Dual density and high elasticity for twice the coverage of standard windows. The Eclipse flush casement range boasts long lasting airtight protection from the elements and added noise reduction.
The best possible external view

Aluminium Windows have a super-slim profile, so they can accommodate more glass than in a standard window, helping to maximise the view you get through them.

The high proportion of glass will also inevitably lead to your home receiving more natural light than it would do through your existing windows.

Pebble Grey Aluminium Windows


You’re in the driving seat when it comes to designing our Aluminium Windows. We will let you determine the coloured finish, the glazing used, and the hardware for the windows. Just pass on your requirements to the relevant consultant.

Bring your new windows to life...

The exuberance of our coloured finishes will ensure that your Aluminium Windows don’t go unnoticed. We have a very generous colour palette, consisting of a host of muted and bold shades, which we powder-coat onto the aluminium frames for added emphasis and to stop the colour wearing away in the future.

Aluminium windows will only perform as you would expect when glazed correctly...

If you think we have a lot of window styles, just wait until you discover the varieties of glass we have in stock. You may not have the first idea of how your new aluminium windows should be glazed, but one of our clever window consultants will. Whether you want a double or triple glazed aluminium window, they will offer up the best glazed solutions. If you live in a noisy area, our 6mm pane is a good way of stifling the amount of noise you hear in your home. Most of our glazing options can also be decorated with leaded strips, Georgian bars, or Astragal bars.

Multi-point locking systems are built into in all our windows...

It’s the finer details that make all the difference. From the uber-modern to the tastefully traditional, we have a beautiful collection of handles and accessories to complement your style. Crafted with the same precision as our windows.
Whether modern and sleek or traditional and premium, you will find the accessories to really make your windows stand out. With a range of colours and finishes, you’re sure to find the perfect match to finish your creation.


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Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 01382 736110

Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.


Pop in and see our new showroom in Dundee, Scotland, where we can discuss your full requirements and you can select from some of our most popular window and door options.